It’s Alive!

Lightning cracks the dark sky while thunder shakes the stones of the ancient castle. Deep within the mad continue their work. The twisted of mind shout orders as the twisted of body scuttle about. Chains rattle and clank. In the distance a dog howls. Perhaps it is spooked by the storm. Perhaps it somehow knows darker things are happening this night. “Throw the switch!” The mad man yells. The assistant hesitates. “Now damn you!” he screams. The switch is thrown. Sparks fly. Electricity arcs across the room. Glass explodes. The lights go out. All is silent now. Even the storm seems to wait. A single soft light flares to life. A match. Followed soon by a lantern. Still no one dares speak. The mad man works his way towards the table, towards his creation. His shaking hand reaches for the sheet. Why does he hesitate? Is it anticipation? Is it fear? Perhaps both? The mad man takes a deep breath then pulls the sheet gingerly away from the table. There is movement. The sheet falls from a limp hand. There it is again. Movement. In and out. Up and down. Slowly. “It’s breathing.” he whispers. The forgotten assistant whimpers. “It’s breathing.” he says again, louder this time. “It’s Alive. EVIL GRIN GAMES IS ALIVE!”

